Monday, September 26, 2011

Importance of eating breakfast

I am a HUGE breakfast fan.  I can eat breakfast food all day.  Thankfully, I'm not eating pancakes, waffles and greasy sausage every morning.  But, I definitely make a point to eat breakfast every morning. Breakfast truly is the most important meal of the day.  It gives you energy to start the day and moreover it is linked to many health benefits including weight control and improved performance.

Most mornings, I whip up an egg white omlette with spinach, mushroom and some low fat cheese.  It carries me through most of the day and it doesn't weight me down for workouts.  If you don't have much time, try a protein smoothie.  Here's one I grabbed from the cookbook: "Healthy foods for kids":

"Sesame Street" Smoothie (serves 2)
2 melon wedges: seeded, skinless and chopped
3/4 cup fresh or frozen raspberries
2 medium bananas
1 tbl Sesame Seeds
1 tbl Tahini (ground sesame paste)
11/4 cups lowfat milk, (chilled)
1-2 Tsp Honey

Blend all fruit to a puree, then add Sesame seeds and tahini & blend for another minute.  Gradually pour in the milk & honey until all blended.

Have a great week!  Hope to see you soon.


Core Group Sessions:
Email me to save your spot, 2 person min to run, All Sessions at South Park
Tuesday: 9:30a All Levels
Wednesday: 9:30a All Levels
Thursday: 9:30a All Levels
Friday: 9:30a All Levels

Don't forget your 1st session is free.  If you have a friend, bring them along to try out the session.

3 or 6 week Intensive:
I would love to start up a 3 or 6 week intensive.  We would workout with the same group for 3 or 6 consecutive weeks 2x/week.  It's a great workout with friends.  Let me know if you are interested and I will try to bring a group together.  5 person min to run.

1-1 Training:
Don't forget to ask me about 1-1 training.  It's a great way to kickstart your workout routing.  Only $40/session.  What a deal!

I'm training for a Half Marathon on October 30, and can squeeze in some Run Clubs if you are interested.  I can do Wednesday at Noon is anyone is interested.  $5 drop in rate (4 person min).  Let me know!

For more info, check out my website at

Monday, September 19, 2011

You know you want them....

...flat abs, toned arms and strong legs.

So what are you doing about it? Do you feel like you are there already?

Total body conditioning combined with 2-4 days a week of a cardiovascular activity (running, cycling, swimming) will get you there.   I know, I know, it's hard to do all of that and still work, manage family, sleep, eat, live etc...   However, it is doable and once you get started and stay with it, you will see those results.

Try putting yourself on a schedule THIS WEEK for 2 days of muscle conditioning and 2 days of some kind of cardio and see how it feels, then stick with it for a month. If you don't have a lot of time, start with 20 minute workouts of the above over 4 days. And if all else fails and there is no time at all, do push ups. It's the best total body exercise that not only strengthens your core, but, when done correctly, can also provide a brief cardio workout when done at faster speeds.

And, if you need guidance, I'm here to help, email me, come to a session or flag me down when you see me and I can get you going towards what you want. Have a great week. Hope to see you soon.

Barb Core Group Sessions:
2 person min to run, email me to save your spot. All sessions at Southpark 
Tuesday: 9:30a All Levels
Wednesday: 9:30a All Levels
Thursday: 9:30a All Levels
Friday: 9:30a All Levels

I can be available for an early morning session 5:45a on Wed, Thurs or Friday if there's interest. I can also do Wednesday afternoon or Saturday morning. Email me if you are interested. Also, don't forget to Bring a Friend for their 1st FREE Session.

Intensive Anyone?
I would love to start up a 3 week intensive for anyone who is interested. We would do Core work 2 days/week with the same group for 3 weeks. I need a minimum of 5 persons to run. Please email me if you'd like to join. I promise you won't be disappointed. ;-)

Trying to bring back the Run club in prep for the Rock N Roll Half Marathon that I am running on October 30th. Let me know if anyone is interested and we can get a group together this week for a run workout. Drop in is $5 with a minimum of 4 people needed to run the group.

1-1 Training 
Training sessions are only $40/session. Would love to create a custom program for you. Email me for more info.

 For more info see my website at

Monday, September 12, 2011

Time to get back into that routine!


I hope this week finds you settling into new routines with your family and gearing up for what looks like a beautiful Fall. This week should also be the week that you get back into that workout routine. If you've put off that run or that Yoga class, schedule it back in this week. Remember, the more you make working out a part of your weekly routine the more it stays with you. Staying fit and healthy is a life-long commitment and the rewards are totally worth it. So get out there! Hope to see you soon!


Core Group Sessions this week:
Email me to save your spot. 2 person minimum to run the session. All sessions meet at South Park

Tuesday: 9:30a All Levels
Wednesday: 9:30a All Levels
Thursday: 9:30a All Levels
Friday: 9:30a All Levels

I can also be available for an early morning class Wednesday or Thursday or a Session after 10:30a on Wednesday. Let me know and we can set up an additional session for you and your group.

Anyone up for an Intensive?
Want a quick way to get back into the groove and tone up that Core? Try out a 3 week or 6 week intensive with me. You will do Core Group Sessions 2x/week for either 3 or 6 weeks with the same group and consistently build your strength and flexibility in this intensive program. Email me if you are interested. 5 person minimum to run.

LA Rock N Roll Half Marathon October 30th
Myself and 3 others are planning to run the LA Rock N Roll Half Marathon on Sunday, October 30th. Let me know if you would like to join us. I'll be offering a custom training program for the race if you are interested. And I also can hook you up with a $10 discount that I found. Email or call me if you'd like to join.

1-1 Training Sessions
I am an NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine) Certified Personal Trainer and I would love to train with you! Sessions are only $40/1 hour Session and your first session is 90 minutes as it includes a training assessment. In addition, if you commit to 6 or more 1-1 Training Sessions, I can provide weekly personalized training and eating plans for you. Contact me so that I can provide you with more detailed info on the benefits of 1-1 Training.

For more info, also see my website at

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Ready for some sessions?


Just a quick reminder about sessions this week. Hope you can make it. Next week, I'll be able to offer more sessions. I'll also try to throw in at least 1 early morning session at 5:45a for those of you who can't make the usual Barbfit times. Hope you are enjoying this amazing weather. Hope to see you soon.


Sessions This Week:
Email me to save your spot. 2 person minimum to run a session. All Sessions meet at South Park

Wednesday: All Levels 9:30a
Thursday: All Levels 9:30a

Rock N Roll Half Marathon on October 30th
I have a few folks interested in training for and running the Rock N Roll Half on Sunday, October 30th. We would start our training program in the next week, so please email me if you are interested in joining us. I also have a coupon code for $10 off of the Race Registration. Email me for more info and details about how we will train.

1-1 Training Sessions
If you've been meaning to set up those 1-1 sessions, now is the time to do it! With the kids in school, I have ample time in the mornings for 1-1 sessions with you and can prepare a customized training program along with tips and guidance about diet and food choices. Rates are $40/ 1 hour Session. Your first session is 90 minutes long and includes an assessment. Email or call me and we can talk more about how to set up personalized sessions for you.

For more info check out my website at