Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Did you get your cardio in this week?

I post a lot about circuit training and core training and a lot of different types of exercise and while all of this exercise is good for you, you still need to get your cardiovascular exercise in.

Here are 7 reasons from the article  Cardio 101 from About.com  why cardiovascular exercise is so important:

1. It burns calories and helps you lose weight
2. It makes your heart strong so that it doesn't have to work as hard to pump blood
3. It increases your lung capacity
4. It helps reduce the risk of heart attack, high blood pressure and diabetes
5. It makes you feel better
6. It helps you sleep better
7.  It helps reduce stress

As the article states, the list of benefits goes on but just the reasons above are good enough for me.  If you have a crazy busy schedule, then start off this week by carving out 1 day that you can get 30-40 mins of cardiovascular activity.  You can go for a brisk walk, or hop on a stationary bike (my fav cardio activity is spinning especially when the music is good!)  Then aim for reserving yourself 2 days next week and then 3 days of cardio the following week.  So schedule it in and if you need to round out your workouts with some Core work and/or circuit training, you know where to find me.  ;-)

Have a great week and hope to see you for a workout soon!

Group Circuit Training Drop-In Session this week:
Thursday: 10:15am (4 person min to run, email me to save a spot)

3 Week Mini Intensive:
The group started last week and we are moving into week 2.  This group is currently closed, but would love to see you in the next one.  Email me if you want to get on the list for the next intensive.  Dates TBD.

1-1 Training Sessions
I have a few spots open on my schedule and would love to fit you in.  Email me for more info and to schedule your 1st 1-1 session

Don't forget to check out barbfit.blogspot.com for past posts on health and fitness