Sunday, March 28, 2010

Spring Break Schedule & 5 Rules for Flat Abs

Happy Spring Break!

For those of you who are in town for some or all of this week, I'll be holding sessions Monday, 3/29 at 9:30a and Friday, 4/2 at 9:30am. Hope to see you. Email me if you can make one or both sessions!

For those of you who are out of town this Spring Break, I thought I would share with you some tips I found in Women's Health that will help flatten out those abs. Heck, with the weather we are having right now, we should use every trick we can to get bikini/bathing suit ready as fast as we can! Hope these tips are helpful!

Have an amazing week!


The Five Rules of Flat Abs: (I've summarized the article below):

Rule 1: Attack your hidden core muscles
To burn 1 lb of fat, you would have to do 250,000 crunches, moreover, crunches only will not work your core muscles. Instead work the muscles that lie beneath the superficial ones: your transverse abdominus, multifidis and internal obliques (for more detail on these muscles see this link: Strengthening these muscles pulls in your midsection like a corset! Exercises like the Plank is great for the transverse abdominus.

Rule 2: Move You Butt:
Your butt and your belly are unlikely partners in crime. Over time, sitting around too much renders your hip flexors to become stiff. This combo tilts your pelvis forward, which increases the arch in your back and puts stress on your spine. All of this essentially pushes your abdomen out! (UGH!) All this means that to lose your gut, you have to work your butt!

Rule #3: Eat Flat-Belly Foods:
  • Pump up your protein intake: Try substituting meat, fish, dairy and nuts for carbs.
  • Eliminate added sugar: the avg American eats about 20 tsp of sugar everyday in the form of processed foods (cereal, soda, fruit drinks). That's 325 empty calories/day. Al that sugar increases insulin production which slows down your metabolism.
  • Don't cut out ALL fat: Choose foods that are rich in monounsaturated fats such as olives, nuts, and avocados. And it is OK to eat whole foods in moderation with saturated fats (milk, cheese, butter)
  • Beat the Bloat: Carbonated drinks and even good for your foods such as beans and broccoli will make you swell. The best tip is to watch your sodium intake: Nutritionists suggest that you should consume less then 2,000 milligrams each day to avoid excess water (most get closer to 5,000/day)

Rule # 4: Stop Stressing
Anxiety caused by stress can produce an excess level of cortisol, a hormone that encourages the body to store extra fat, particularly in your belly. Researchers at Yale University reported that your midsection is 4x as likely as the rest of your body to store stress-induced fat. Tip: if you can, take a short break from work every 90 mins to breathe and relax. Also, stay away from junk foods during stress.

Rule #5: Work Your Abs Less Often
Don't do ab work daily. You only need 3 sessions/week to see max results. Give your muscles a full day to recover.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Reminder for this week


Just a quick reminder about the modified session schedule for this week.

Please note that I will only be holding sessions on Monday and Tuesday at 9:30am as I am out of town Wed-Sat.

Hope to see you!


Monday, March 15, 2010

Core Workouts Week of 3/15

Hey there!

I know it's only been 1 day of daylight savings, but don't you already LOVE the longer days. The sunset was gorgeous tonight and I feel pretty lucky to live in So. Cal.

Hope you all can come out for the workouts this week. I have a different schedule this week to accomodate a request for an additional session, so check out the details below and let me know if you can make it. Also below is the the schedule for the following 2 weeks and a reminder about the 6 Week Intensive Series.

As usual, forward this info to your friends, the more the merrier!

See you soon,

Schedule for Week of 3/14/10:
Tuesday: 9:30a
Wednesday: 9:00a
Thursday: No Sessions - Teaching PE for Koch/Corman's AM Kinders at View
Friday: 9:30a

Schedule for Week of 3/21/10:
I am out of town Wed - Sat so I added a session on Monday so you can all still get a workout
Monday: 9:30a
Tuesday 9:30a
Wednesday - Friday: No Sessions

Schedule for Week of 3/28/10:
For Spring Break I have a modified schedule for those of you who will be in town.
Monday: 9:30a
Tues - Thursday: No Sessions due to travel plans
Friday: 9:30a

6 Week Intensive Series:
As a reminder, I would like to set up the 2x/week 6 week series. I'm shooting for the end of April as a start date. Ideally this will get us all bathing suit ready for the days of summer. This will also allow for a 2nd series before school gets out, if we want to do it all again!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

This week and a great article from

Hey there! Just finished up my Oscar viewing for the night and of course now want to see the Hurt Locker and Precious! Hope you guys had a great weekend. I just wanted to send a reminder about the sessions for this week. We had a great turn out last week, would love to see you all again this week. See below for more info and for some interesting stuff from

Schedule for this week:
Thursday and Friday 9:30am at the Redondo Track (Manhattan Beach Blvd and Aviation). Let me know which day(s) you would like to join so that I can plan for the week. Already looking forward to working out with you all!

Please note that I will not be holding a session on Tuesday (3/9/10) at 9:30a as I have an appointment that I cannot move. However, I may be adding a 12 Noon on Thursday; will confirm with you all shortly.

Article from
I know that many of you are runners so I wanted to share a great article that I saw from (Active/Women) entitled: Tackling the Top Running Injuries.

Here's an excerpt that really resonated with me:
Is there anything else a female runner can do to stay injury-free? To avoid all of these injuries, I recommend the following three tips.

The first is to warm up to stretch, not stretch to warm up. You should run for three to five minutes or do some power walking to warm up your musculature and then stretch. This is a change in thinking from what we are accustomed to, but studies show that you can decrease your rate of injury by warming up before you stretch.

The second tip is to plan for rest. I think a lot of runners, especially beginners, don't incorporate rest into their workout regimen. I think women runners, in particular, are very goal-driven and often believe they have to work out every day in order to reach their goals. But the best way to prevent injury is to incorporate rest.

The last tip is to hydrate. I think a lot of runners don't know how much to hydrate. As a rule of thumb, for an average runner, you should rehydrate with 17 ounces of water for every pound that's lost and drink throughout the day until your urine is a light yellow or clear color. I recommend measuring your pre- and post-run weight. These are all proactive steps to help prevent injuries in the first place.

Have a great week, tell your friends about the workout and have them join us for a free 1st session! Also, if you have any questions, feel free to email or call me.
