Sunday, October 9, 2016

Meditation for More Brain Space

Centuries ago those who practiced meditation did so because they were trying to focus more clearly on their life's purpose.   

Today we seek meditation to help cope with life's stresses: loss of loved ones, work problems, home issues, technology failures.  It's one of many tools used for stress relief for our modern day problems. 

While exercise has always been and will continue to be one of my stress relief tools, I've found consistent calm through yoga and meditation.  In Yoga I was re-introduced to the benefits of stillness during Svasana (final resting pose).  I found myself hanging out in this pose for longer periods of time and feeling a more profound sense of calm not just in this pose but for long periods after getting out of it. 

I wanted more of this feeling, so I started asking my meditating friends what they did. One of them shared videos on YouTube.  And another recommended the book, "Start Here Now".  So I gave it a shot.   It was hard at first to just sit and stay focused to meditate but I committed to 10 minutes a day initially and then, over time, it became a welcome daily practice that lasted anywhere between 10-20mins. 

As I learned more about the practice of meditation, I found books, articles, videos, Ted talks and more that talked about the science of the brain during meditation and all of its benefits for sports, psychotherapy, creativity, physical ailments and many more wellness benefits. 

Having spent over a year meditating daily, I've found a new sense of contentment and appreciation for the simple pleasures in life because through meditation I'd given myself a little more brain space to notice them. 

So my challenge to you all is to find a way to give yourself just 5 minutes of stillness per day through meditation. Try it for the next 7 days.  If you need guidance, check out the app Yoga Wake Up . They have several meditations (including a few that I've recorded 😊) that you can download to take with you anywhere.   

I know that it's not easy to sit still, but give it a try, you may soon reap all the health & wellness benefits that meditation can offer. 

Have a great week. Hope to see you soon. 


Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Community Yoga with Barb every Thursday at Noon

Have you ever gone to a Yoga class and found yourself completely lost?  You don't know which leg should go up or down?  Is the instructor calling out Yoga terminology that you don't understand as you watch the rest of the class moving with ease and harmony and then feel totally out of place???  Well, in this community class I will teach you all of the basics that will help you get the most out of the next class that you take at your gym, at a studio or anywhere where they offer yoga.

I have been practicing Yoga since I was pregnant with my first child over 12 years ago.  I started with Iyengar.   I've tried Bikram, Kundalini and Hot Yoga, but my favorite style is Vinyasa Flow, which is all about movement with breath.

The benefits of yoga are both for the mind and the body which is why I love it so much and why I completed my 200 hour teacher training at the end of last year.  So, come try it out with me.  Take your lunch break to learn the basic moves of Yoga.  If you already know the poses then come to refine your practice so that you know you are in the poses correctly.  I promise to make it both challenging and educational so that you can get the most out of the next Yoga class you do.

Email me directly if you'd like to join, this will be a small group class, I need a min of 5 to run it and I have a max of 8.

Have a great week and hope to see you soon.


Sunday, May 8, 2016

Thank You letter to my Mom Tribe

To My Mom Tribe,

You know who you are.  For over a decade you've counseled me on every aspect of this Mom job. Your advice has always been free of charge and your words have always been uplifting.  

It feels like just yesterday that I ran into you at the Drs office with a baby in my tummy or in a Bjorn, we also caught up in the "Moms" room at the office and I remember when you expertly held my 8 week old so I could brush my hair & de-puff my eyes. 

Today we're flocked together in our mom zone on the sidelines of kids games, chatting mid Pilates to get the number for that math tutor and nodding off alongside the kiddos watching the latest release of a Pixar movie. 

Tomorrow, I'll see how your child has surpassed you in height and your oldest is driving the younger ones to school and that you are now caring for your own mom who needs you. 

So thank you, my Mom Tribe, for being part of my tribe yesterday, today & tomorrow. I really couldn't do all of this with out you. 

Happy Moms Day ❤️🙏


Monday, February 8, 2016

Community Yoga with Barb

As some of you may know I completed a 200 hour yoga teacher certification with the Mukti Yoga school. It was a great learning experience for me so Id like to share my learnings with you. 

So this week I'm offer a 1 hour beginner yoga community class tomorrow Tuesday at noon (or Wednesday at noon if that's better for everyone). Suggested donation for the class is $10 or whatever you would like to contribute. 

I'm excited to share what I've learned in this training with you. Email me directly if you'd like to join in one of these community sessions this week. 

Have a great day!


As usual see my previous posts on health and fitness here on this blog. 

Note, the community class this week will be on land but Yoga Sup is an option for the future. 😊

Monday, January 25, 2016

Set your Intention

know it's been a while since I last posted but I thought it timely to post about setting up for a brand new year. So thanks for reading & here we go...

I'm done with the concept of "resolutions". It carries the assumption that something is wrong & needs to be fixed.   So instead, I plan to set a positive health & wellness Intention this year. 

So what is an Intention? Here's how it's defined on the web: 

-a thing intended; an aim or plan
-the healing process of a wound
-Word Origin late Middle English: from Old French entencion, from Latin intentio(n-) ‘stretching, purpose,

Basically all of these fit for creating an Intention.  As it relates to health & well-being, it's about setting a plan that will not only help with any healing that's needed but also helps to stretch and evolve oneself both physically & mentally. I'm not talking about a magic wand that addressees everything, but I am talking about creating & committing to a mindset that helps keep you on the path to a tangible & achievable goal for your overall health.   

Setting an Intention can be as simple as a commitment to walk outdoors everyday, even for a short time.  Another example, (not as simple) can be to set an Intention to be mindful whenever you eat. Food is available to us 24/7 and it's ready for us fast (drive-thrus, salad bars, microwave meals). In turn, we're all guilty of eating so fast that we can't even remember what we had for lunch. If you are mindful when you eat (and not multitasking) you can actually enjoy your food. All of your senses come into play (sight, sound, touch, taste, smell) and you really get to savor the moment of eating. The other side benefit is that you aid your digestion process by chewing your food slower, and then sending the macerated pieces through your system slower as well. (Benefits can include less reflux, gassiness and/or sleepiness from "inhaling" your lunch too fast.)

My Intention is to commit to a consistent & longer daily meditation practice.  I started this practice last year, but I was inconsistent & pretty distracted most of the time.  However, over time, I got better & by the end of the year, I created a consistent practice for myself that helped calm the mind & the body. Don't worry, I'm not moving to the Himalayas to become a Buddhist monk, but after a year of trying out a little stillness through meditation, I get it, I like it & I'm already seeing the benefits. 

Whatever Intention you decide on, make it yours, create it with a big dose of positivity & then just get started.  Any positive intention you create not only helps you but it also has a positive effect on those around you. 

Happy New Year! Hope to see you soon. 

With love,