Monday, January 21, 2013

TRX Suspension System Qualified Trainer

I just completed a full day course to better instruct all of you on the TRX Suspension System.  So I am now a Qualified TRX Suspension System Trainer.  If you haven't trained on a one yet, you should definitely try it out.  2 years ago I was referred to it by a good friend and I have been hooked on it ever since.  Email me for more info about training sessions that involve circuit training with the TRX Suspension System.  I would love to be the person who introduces you to a new and challenging workout.

Have a great week and hope to see you for a workout soon!


Sessions this week:
Thursday: Group Circuit Training - 10:15am

3 Week Mini-Intensive
Starts Wednesday, January 30th.  We will workout 2x/week for 3 weeks with a combination of group core work and circuit training.  I have a group of 5 confirmed and may have room for 1 more.  Email me quickly if you want to take the last spot.  If you missed this Intensive, I can set up another after this one finishes up.  Contact me for more info and to lock in dates for the next Intensive.

1-1 Training
It's never too late to commit to a new workout program for the year.  I have room on my schedule and would love to workout with you.  Email me and we can set up your first session and get started on making this your best year for health and fitness.

Don't forget to check out for previous posts and links to articles on health and exercise.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Fit Foods Lunch and Sessions this Week


Just a couple quick reminders.  For those of you who RSVP'd, the free Fit Foods lunch will be at my home at noon tomorrow.  Looking forward to having you!  Also, for those who are still interested, I have a few spots left, so email me quick to grab those extra seats.

Sessions for this week are below.  Looking forward to seeing you all and working out with you soon!


Sessions this Week:

Thursday: 10:15am - Group Circuit Training
Friday: 9:15am - Core Group Session

All sessions need a minimum of 2 persons to run.  Email me to save your spot.

1-1 Training Sessions

Email me for info about 1-1 Training Sessions.  Now is a great time to start an individual training program so that you can set your goal for the year.  I have a few spots open on my schedule and would love to develop a program just for you!

Don't forget to check out my blog for previous posts and links to article and health and fitness at

Friday, January 4, 2013

What's your plan for 2013?

Although it's been a few weeks since I last posted, I haven't stopped thinking about more ways that I can help you get the most out of your workouts and help you develop a plan for getting and staying in shape in 2013 and beyond.  With the fattening holidays behind us, we can finally focus on how to live healthy.   So, what is your plan?  Have you started a new diet?  Any new workouts you're trying?   If you haven't started, no worries, there are tons of resources around that can help.   If you need a quick jumpstart, here's a great article from Shape that will give you a head start 31 Days to a Fitter Healthier You.  

And here's another boost for your health and fitness plan for the year.  I just won a free lunch for my office from Fit Foods, so since I work(out) with all of you, I wanted to share the free lunch with you.   Woo Hoo!  So, if you are available on Tuesday, January 15th at noon, I have room for 12 for lunch at my home.   So, the 1st 12 to RSVP are welcome.  No strings attached, just come on over and enjoy.   (My only requirement is that you must have taken at least 1 session with me in the past).

I'm looking forward to seeing you all and helping you to make this the year that you hit all of your health and fitness goals.   Have a great week!


Workouts Week of January 7th

Tuesday - Group Circuit  - 10am
Wednesday - Group Core - 10am

Minimum 2 persons to run.  Email me to save a spot.

1-1 Training

Looking for a personal trainer to help get your plan developed?   I still have some availability and would love to work with you.  Email me for more info.

Mini Intensive - Starting in January

I'm looking to start a mini 3 week intensive in January.  We would workout 2 days a week for 3 weeks straight with a combination of circuit training and core muscle conditioning.  Dates and times TBD based on the group's schedule.   Email me if you are interested.  I will need 5 people minimum to run.

Don't forget to check out my blog for past posts on health and fitness.