Tuesday, March 6, 2018

The Stack of Books at my Bedside Table

I try to read at night instead of watch TV so that I can fill my brain with good thoughts before sleep.   I am a chronic over-thinker so I can’t put my head on the pillow and pass out.  So I have a stack of books near my bed that I reach for to help me fall asleep.  I avoid heavy books, nothing scary or so compelling that I need to finish it before I sleep.  Moreover, I read inspirational books, yes they come from the "self-help" section of the bookstore.  Let's just call them "wellness" books.  :)

I've gone through phases with the stack over the years.  It used to include fashion and interior design magazines and books.  Then, over the last 10+ years the stack evolved to include “The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying," books about the neuroscience of the brain and it's connection to consciousness and books by Pema Chondron.   I guess my aging brain craves to understand and make sense of the changing and uncertain world around us.  In those same years, I lost my father to stroke, I had 3 children and we saw significant change in politics from Bush to Obama and now Trump. 

Every book in my stack has given me the perfect bit of wisdom that I was looking for. 

My most recent edition to the stack is “When Breath Becomes Air”. I have to say I was a bit nervous about reading the book because I already knew the sad ending. Yet, when I read it, I was so deeply
impressed by the writing and the thoughts and the feelings it evoked in me.  Without giving it all away, one of the poignant messages I gained from this book was, to enjoy the simple pleasures in front of you: the smile or laugh from the ones you love, time with family, watching a sun set.  If you haven’t already read this book, you need to add it to your list.  

May you enjoy the simplicity of your day and have the gift of time to read through your own stack of books. 

Hope to see you for a workout soon.  


Thursday, January 4, 2018

In 2018 I will....

It's the start of 2018 and it's the time to talk about our resolutions for the new year. So, how can we set ourselves up to really stick to all of these positive habits that we set for ourselves.

One strategy is to write out concrete goals for yourself.  Avoid wishy washy language that gives you an out.  Start each resolution with the words "I will..." Example: "I will drink 12 glasses of water everyday for the next 30 days". Don't use language that gets you out of the commitment. Example, "I will try to drink 12 glasses of water everyday for the rest of the year."   Lots of "outs" on this goal.

Moreover, the more concrete we are in our Resolution(s), the more we encourage self-accountability in meeting our goals.   When our goals are too general and written down with any words of uncertainty, then we can make excuses for why we didn't hit our goal.  This doesn't mean that you have to change everything in your life in one year.  Instead choose your top 5, prioritize them, give them a specific timeline, and then decide of those 5 what you can actually do with success.  Change doesn't happen overnight, it comes after making thoughtful small changes and choices about how you want to live.

When I worked in corporate marketing, at the beginning of each year, we would spend multiple days and many hours developing strategies to acquire new customers and retain our existing ones. Then we would review those strategies, refine them over more hours and days and then present them to management for approval.  Once approved, my plan was shared with everyone and I was accountable to hit my annual plan.  I was 100% accountable to the goals I developed.   When I look back and think about how much time and energy I put into developing annual marketing goals, in comparison, I should easily be able to spend even a quarter of the time on my own personal health, fitness and life goals starting with a New Years resolution.

So with that, I will share one of my resolutions with you:

 I will not eat processed foods or sugars for 30 days.

May you find 2018 filled with love, joy, wonder and good health.  Hope to see you for a workout soon.
