In my evening quests to find quality content on TV, I discovered this really interesting show on the National Geographic Channel: EAT - The Story of Food
This fascinating National Geographic series goes into the history of how we eat and how each major milestone in our history has changed what we eat and the way we eat. One of the interesting facts for me was how the creation of canned/preserved foods for soliders during wartime, gave birth (post-war) to convenience foods for the home (TV Dinners, Spam, Betty Croker Box Cakes, Microwave Ovens). And of course, clever marketers and skilled scientists were behind and continue to be behind all of these products. Since we are what we eat, seems like a worthwhile series to check out.
While you are thinking of food, I aso wanted to make sure that I passed on my $10 discount code for Farm Fresh to You: BARB9222. I get the small No Cooking Box every 2 weeks and it gets delivered right to my door. Their Nantes carrots and organic fruit are really tasty. All produce is locally grown and in season. Here's the link to check out their website & sign up:
Hope you are all getting some workouts in despite this gloomy weather. Probably a good time to get into the gym and/or take a Yoga or Pilates class at a local studio.
Have a great week and hope to see you all for a workout soon!
Sessions in December
For those of you that want to get ahead of the Holiday Eating, I will be doing some group sessions in December. Normally we meet Wednesdays & Fridays @ 9am, but I may be able to squeeze in a few Mondays and Thursdays. Email me directly if you are interested and we can get a group going for the next few weeks.
I'm firming up my schedule for December and have some space to squeeze in some 1-1 Sessions. Your first session includes a free 20 min fitness assessment. Email me if you are intersested and we can schedule a time to review your goals.
Don't forget to check out my blog at for previous posts on health & fitness.