Centuries ago those who practiced meditation did so because they were trying to focus more clearly on their life's purpose.
Today we seek meditation to help cope with life's stresses: loss of loved ones, work problems, home issues, technology failures. It's one of many tools used for stress relief for our modern day problems.
While exercise has always been and will continue to be one of my stress relief tools, I've found consistent calm through yoga and meditation. In Yoga I was re-introduced to the benefits of stillness during Svasana (final resting pose). I found myself hanging out in this pose for longer periods of time and feeling a more profound sense of calm not just in this pose but for long periods after getting out of it.
I wanted more of this feeling, so I started asking my meditating friends what they did. One of them shared videos on YouTube. And another recommended the book, "Start Here Now". So I gave it a shot. It was hard at first to just sit and stay focused to meditate but I committed to 10 minutes a day initially and then, over time, it became a welcome daily practice that lasted anywhere between 10-20mins.
As I learned more about the practice of meditation, I found books, articles, videos, Ted talks and more that talked about the science of the brain during meditation and all of its benefits for sports, psychotherapy, creativity, physical ailments and many more wellness benefits.
Having spent over a year meditating daily, I've found a new sense of contentment and appreciation for the simple pleasures in life because through meditation I'd given myself a little more brain space to notice them.
So my challenge to you all is to find a way to give yourself just 5 minutes of stillness per day through meditation. Try it for the next 7 days. If you need guidance, check out the app Yoga Wake Up . They have several meditations (including a few that I've recorded
) that you can download to take with you anywhere.
I know that it's not easy to sit still, but give it a try, you may soon reap all the health & wellness benefits that meditation can offer.
Have a great week. Hope to see you soon.