Hey there! Just finished up my Oscar viewing for the night and of course now want to see the Hurt Locker and Precious! Hope you guys had a great weekend. I just wanted to send a reminder about the sessions for this week. We had a great turn out last week, would love to see you all again this week. See below for more info and for some interesting stuff from Active.com.
Schedule for this week:
Thursday and Friday 9:30am at the Redondo Track (Manhattan Beach Blvd and Aviation). Let me know which day(s) you would like to join so that I can plan for the week. Already looking forward to working out with you all!
Please note that I will not be holding a session on Tuesday (3/9/10) at 9:30a as I have an appointment that I cannot move. However, I may be adding a 12 Noon on Thursday; will confirm with you all shortly.
Article from Active.com
I know that many of you are runners so I wanted to share a great article that I saw from Active.com (Active/Women) entitled: Tackling the Top Running Injuries.
Here's an excerpt that really resonated with me:
Is there anything else a female runner can do to stay injury-free? To avoid all of these injuries, I recommend the following three tips.
The first is to warm up to stretch, not stretch to warm up. You should run for three to five minutes or do some power walking to warm up your musculature and then stretch. This is a change in thinking from what we are accustomed to, but studies show that you can decrease your rate of injury by warming up before you stretch.
The second tip is to plan for rest. I think a lot of runners, especially beginners, don't incorporate rest into their workout regimen. I think women runners, in particular, are very goal-driven and often believe they have to work out every day in order to reach their goals. But the best way to prevent injury is to incorporate rest.
The last tip is to hydrate. I think a lot of runners don't know how much to hydrate. As a rule of thumb, for an average runner, you should rehydrate with 17 ounces of water for every pound that's lost and drink throughout the day until your urine is a light yellow or clear color. I recommend measuring your pre- and post-run weight. These are all proactive steps to help prevent injuries in the first place.
Have a great week, tell your friends about the workout and have them join us for a free 1st session! Also, if you have any questions, feel free to email or call me.
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