Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Just because the Treat is there, doesn't mean you have to eat it.

Here we are 1 day away from the candy fest of Halloween!  You know you will be surrounded by candy, sweets, cookies and fancy Halloween cocktails.  How can you resist all of this sweet temptation???

First of all, allow yourself  1-2 treats on Halloween.  It's OK, really.  As with everything you eat, moderation is key.  However, just because there's a big bowl of candy and treats in your house, doesn't mean you have to eat it all.  

So, here's a short list of ways to steer away from the treats so you don't go on a candy binge!

1. Give your candy away!  Give them to the local senior center or bring them into your office and leave it all in the break room.  There are some programs that send care packages to soldiers who are serving.  Find where to bring your treats and just get it out of your house. If you have kids, have them pick 10 of their favorites and then donate the rest.  (I know, easier said than done, but your kids may be receptive).

2. Keep drinking your water.  Your daily water intake will help curb your appetite and hopefully prevent you from indulging on the leftover fun size Snickers and M&M's that are still in the plastic pumpkin.

3. Fill up your fruit bowl and put it in plain view on your kitchen table/counter or desk at the office.  Make those fruits totally accessible so you can snack on them instead of sweets.

4. Workout.  I know this is a given, but if you're lounging on the couch staring at all the leftover candy a workout will help curb your appetite.  If it's cold, break out one of your exercise DVDs or find one that's on demand from your cable or satellite provider.

5. After Halloween, put yourself on a quick 7 day "cleanse" of no candy or treats.  It's not a month, so it's totally doable, but it will at least help steer you away from those sweets for a week.  Hopefully by the time you get to the 7th day, you will have already gotten rid of most of the junk that was in the house.

Remember, Halloween is really just the beginning of the holiday party and junk food season, so start good habits now, before you find yourself over indulging from Thanksgiving through the Winter Holidays and all the way into 2013.

Have a great week and hope to see you for a workout soon!


Group Workouts this week:
Group Circuit Training: Thursday - 10:15am

5 Week Intensive
We're in our last week of the intensive and all participants have made great progress.  We're looking strong and are already talking about scheduling another one.  If you're interested in a 3 week intensive to squeeze in before the end of the year, email me.

1-1 Training
Email me about 1-1 training and get a head start on health and fitness before the holidays.  I have a few spots available on my schedule and would love to build a workout program for you.

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